How To Spot A Diet Terrorist

How to spot a Diet Terrorist. Ah, the Diet Terrorist – your dieting frenemy. (Yep it’s a word; apparently it’s a cross between a Friend and an Enemy). Pull up a chair and let’s talk about handling them. Did you see the Netflix Series ‘Queens Gambit’ all about the game of chess? Discovering and then successfully handling a Diet Terrorist, requires skills which share a few of the characteristics required for playing a game of chess.

Dieting is a journey, during that journey there may well be a few bumps in the road. To avoid the occasional hiccups along the way the dieter needs to be prepared. More mentally than physically, for when they come across a Diet Terrorist. Whatever you do, don’t for one second think that you will be spared. It is a fact that at one level or another, they will come for you, they always have and they always will.

The terrorists will, at least most of the time, be in disguise. They will resemble your loved ones, your family, or even your partner. Maybe they will surface as old friends or new friends. They may take on the appearance of work colleagues, worst of all they may take on the role of a ‘specialist’ in their chosen field.

One thing you need to be aware of is often they are innocent; they don’t know what they are doing. You may think they are blind to your ambitions, dreams, aspirations and goals around weight loss. Before we move on, it may help you if we take a look at the training, that a Diet Terrorist is given, if you know their game, like in Chess, you will have a better chance of remaining in control.

It states, in the ‘DT’ training manual. As a DT, your goal is to use your learned skills to scare followers of weight loss diets, into giving in, into eating in abundance. The dieter must believe that you care for their wellbeing. You must instill in them that everything you say and do is for their good, not yours. If you have to, use the encouragement of alcohol and others to weaken their resolve.

The mission of a ‘DT’ is to maximize the sense of urgency generated by invoking fear, guilt, and even shame. This enables them to demand immediate compliance. They will always make you aware of the side effects of you not following their guidance. They will tell you that there is no room for any delays, that your friends and family are worried about you.

Terrorists will always tell you that all your friends agree with them, that you really need is to go out and socialize, have fun, drink shots and eat Pizza just like you used to. You already know that this will result in a complete failure and breakdown of your new weight loss regime.

Sometimes you will hear statements like, “but its Jane’s birthday you will ruin it for her if you don’t join us at the Pizza restaurant”. Or ‘you really need to eat a desert you’re wasting away’. Sometimes a loved one will surprise you by taking you to your favourite restaurant as a reward for doing so well on your diet.

This action will of course guarantee that you will reverse your entire week’s efforts. Or maybe they will arrive home with your favourite takeaway and a bottle or two of wine. Just as a reward for sticking to your diet of course.

The big gun they often fire is the announcement that you and some friends are going away on holiday together. The sting is that everyone’s very excited as it is an all-inclusive holiday. As well as a selection of free restaurants it has a 24 hour free Pizza buffet, and of course it includes unlimited free alcohol, from dawn to dusk…..

We know that for many people just starting out on a serious diet, social events of just about any kind bring on a ‘cold-sweat’ just the mention of them can fill the new dieter with dread. The dieter knows that social eating can be a nightmare. Sitting at a table surrounded by friends with no exit route in view and a menu placed in front of them can often resemble a rapidly arriving Tsunami.

The new dieter if they are serious about losing weight needs to surround themselves with friends that will support them with their weight loss goals. After all, if someone really loves and cares for you, they would want you to happy and healthy, and do everything possible to make it happen.

Top Weight Loss Tips

1.Eat Slowly and Mindfully!

2.Stay Away From Sugar and Highly Processed Foods!

3.Eat Your Favourite Foods on the Plate First!

You may not be aware of how important this tip is, but the order in which you eat your food can actually have a big impact on how much you consume! It’s quite common for overweight people to “save the best til last” when eating. In other words they only eat their favourite food right at the end.

It’s not so surprising then, that they also tend to eat everything on their plate, regardless of how uncomfortably full they feel. Because, of course, they don’t want to miss out on the “best bit”! However, our advice is to eat your favourite things first. Not only will you enjoy it more, but it’s also much easier to stop when you’ve eaten just the right amount and leave the rest on the plate.

A Permanent Solution to Weight Loss

Are you tired of trying an endless list of diets that just don’t work? Are you becoming weary of your efforts, always resulting in you regaining all the lost weight? Has your approach to dieting made you fear social events?

Are you looking for a Medically Endorsed solution; one based on thousands of hours of experience? Do you dream of finding a ‘Permanent Weight Loss’ treatment? Have you searched on Google in the hope of finding a proven programme? Maybe something that doesn’t involve undertaking a restrictive diet, doing lots of exercise, or having invasive surgery… And no need to buy any “Meal Replacement” products!

My Weigh Less Downloadable Course

Read on the pages of this website how Oxford Therapeutics Limited – ‘My Weigh Less’ is successfully delivering what is Utopia to Dieters. A Medically Endorsed, proven weight loss approach. A programme based on over 15,000 1:1 clinical treatment hours.

You can download a free MP3 introduction right now. No email or credit card details required, just ten minutes of your time. Find out how My Weigh Less can help you reach your weight loss goals!

The downloadable My Weigh Less course consists of twelve, one-hour weight loss sessions. In addition to the twelve sessions, clients receive a number of videos, animated presentations, visual aids and hypnosis sessions.

If you want to lose weight permanently, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You don’t need to spend any money right now, but just take ten minutes to read the pages of the My Weigh Less website. After all, you have nothing to lose.


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