How To Spot A Diet Terrorist
How to spot a Diet Terrorist. Ah, the Diet Terrorist – your dieting frenemy . (Yep it’s a word; apparently it’s a cross between a Friend and an Enemy). Pull up a chair and let’s talk about handling them. Did you see the Netflix Series ‘Queens Gambit’ all about the game of chess? Discovering and then successfully handling a Diet Terrorist, requires skills which share a few of the characteristics required for playing a game of chess. Dieting is a journey, during that journey there may well be a few bumps in the road. To avoid the occasional hiccups along the way the dieter needs to be prepared. More mentally than physically, for when they come across a Diet Terrorist. Whatever you do, don’t for one second think that you will be spared. It is a fact that at one level or another, they will come for you, they always have and they always will. The terrorists will, at least most of the time, be in disguise. They will resemble your loved ones, your family, or even your...