Why We Love Sugar Fat and Salt

 So, What Took Us So Long?

Why We Love Sugar Fat and Salt. So, the highly talented food scientists around the world are all scratching their heads quietly asking each other the same question. “Why did it take so long to develop Salted Caramel Chocolate?”. 

And similarly, why the delay in formulating the Salted Caramel version of that famous after dinner chocolate cream liqueur? They have known for decades that Sugar, Fat and Salt, when combined, are the most addictive, edible substances on the planet. Some even say they are more addictive than cocaine!

The things we just can’t get enough of….

Why? Because they are the three components of processed food that drive cravings like nothing else. In his book, Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us, Michael Moss details how the processed food industry uses prodigious amounts of salt, sugar and fat in foods and beverages, very intentionally and unabashedly, to addict consumers. So, it’s similar to drug dealers really….Once you start, you cannot stop…It’s designed that way….

The Bliss Point – For your wallet

Adding S,F and S to food makes perfect sense from the point of the food industry. These ingredients drive over-consumption. Also, they’re cheap and readily available, maximising profit. The food scientists are constantly searching for what is known as the ‘Bliss Point’. 

And a perfect example of this is Pizza. They manipulate the chemical structure of the fats, to enhance their “mouthfeel” – the warm, melt-in-the-mouth sensation you get when you bite into your favourite, cheese-stuffed pizza, the entire experience is engineered to hook you.. Taken from Empower Health – https://empowertotalhealth.com.au/salt-sugar-fat/

They can all kill you….

One way or another they can each be deadly. Firstly, let’s start with salt: it is said that if you deprive a person of salt, they will die in a few weeks. Conversely, deprive the population of sugar and the top ten cancers will be eliminated, and the level of obesity would spiral downwards….

So, back to salt: a person can survive for around four weeks without salt, less than that, if he sweats. Perspiration is virtually the only way the body excretes salt. Our kidneys are very effective at maintaining salt levels in our bodies. Of course, from a taste perspective, salt is wonderfully addictive.

The smell of vinegar, mixed with salt, on hot fries, is undeniably pleasant. Salt is used to flavour hundreds of dishes. It is both incredibly tasty, and incredibly dangerous. If you consume too much, it will kill you. It is widely accepted that excess salt consumption will result in an elevated risk of both Stroke and Heart Disease. But we literally can’t live without it. We are all addicted.

So what about Sugar?

Sugar is so good at disguise. You will find plentiful amounts hiding undercover. As an example, it’s hiding away in bread, and fruit. Think about pasta, potatoes, and many root vegetables. Have you ever wondered why fried onions smell and taste so good…? Well, it’s all down to sugar…as they are fried they caramelise! Sugar rots your teeth, and is as addictive as either cocaine, or morphine. And yet we carry on…

Sugar encourages the release of the hunger hormone Ghrelin. Do you ever find yourself at the end of a bar of chocolate thinking: “Why did I eat all that?” It’s OK; it really wasn’t your fault. It is a very highly addictive substance. Within just a few minutes of eating any carbohydrate/sugar, the Ghrelin will be coursing through your veins. At that point, of course, you are no longer calling the shots…it is literally out of your control.

And what of Fat?

Fat really is a terrible thing, and may well kill you. Think cardiovascular disease, think fatty liver disease, think increased blood pressure and the fat building up in your arteries. Also, think of the effect on insulin levels and type two diabetes. Of course, its correlation to the most common cancers is undeniable. Yes, fat will kill you.

Fat Tastes So Good!

It’s weird, but in fact we can’t actually taste fat. When fat is cooked, it releases chemicals into the air by the heat of cooking. That’s why you can taste sizzling bacon, even before you eat it – because some of the flavour molecules are already in your nose and mouth. 

But what about texture? Oh well of course, fatty foods have a special mouth feel, a special texture. Chocolate, for example, melts at body temperature. When chocolate melts in your mouth, it creates a smooth, full, coating sensation that most people agree is pleasant.

Fats also help distribute salts and other seasonings throughout foods, so that they make more contact with your tongue, and give a deeper flavour. Bottom line: Fat concentrates smells and flavours in food. It gives foods a smooth creamy texture that most of us enjoy. 

Since fat gives us more energy than proteins or carbohydrates, it makes us feel full faster. This makes our brains release hormones that makes us feel content. Written by Daniela Breitman for https://earthsky.org.

For those people trying to either lose, or even maintain their weight, the addictive threesome of Sugar, Fat and Salt require special attention. As we’ve said before, they are addictive, especially when combined. Dieters should stop beating themselves up when they find themselves over indulging in certain foods. Evolution dictates that we will always seek out high calorie high fat foods, to ensure we survive.

You can read further down the page about the work that Martin and Marion have done to help over a thousand people take permanent control of their weight.Martin and Marion Shirran, the developers and joint Clinical Directors of My Weigh Less appeared on both the Good Morning America TV show and the This Morning Breakfast Show.

Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

So, how do we start to lose weight in a healthy and permanent way? There are so many approaches to weight loss. If you type “diet”, or “weight loss”, into Google, for example, you will have over a million references, in a heartbeat.

No Diets, Just Psychology

The My Weigh Less treatment is psychology-focused, built around the experience of treating over a thousand clients, and amassing in excess of 15,000 hours of 1:1 clinical treatment time. The fully downloadable treatment has been the subject of extensive real person trials. 

But, as with your considerations regarding any weight loss approach, do take a look at the verified case studies, and their before and after photos on the My Weigh Less Site. If you require additional comfort, which is fair enough, visit the Medical Endorsement page.

The Gold Standard in Non-Surgical Weight Loss

The My weigh Less treatment package consists of twelve one hour weight loss sessions, with Martin and Marion Shirran. Between them they have accumulated ten thousand hours of treatment time in the weight loss arena. In addition to the twelve sessions, clients receive a number of videos, animated presentations, visual aids and hypnosis sessions.

The My Weigh Less Course is new and refreshing, incorporating the latest, science-based, behavioural change techniques. Completely based on an approach that has changed the lives of over a thousand people.

Permanent Weight Loss is the Goal

If you want to lose weight Permanently, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You don’t need to spend any money right now. Just take ten minutes to read the pages of the My Weigh Less website. After all, you have nothing to lose. Martin and Marion Shirran’s GMB site contains additional information.

Registered Stakeholder in NICE – National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

Marion Shirran, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE – The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. In addition Marion is registered with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity. She looks forward to being able to share her vast experience, gained from over 15,000 1:1 clinical hours working with overweight individuals for the benefit of a wider audience.


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