Diet Secrets No. 1

 The Diet Secrets No-one Talks About

Diet Secrets.There are a number of well-proven, medically endorsed techniques, that can dramatically help someone to lose weight. But why are they not that well publicised? The reason is simple: it’s because there’s no money in it.

It is a sad, but true statement, that the vast majority of the diet and weight loss industry is driven globally by profit. Cash is the Driver. In fact, the industry has a reported value of around a staggering $270 billion dollars, which is undoubtedly a lot of money! So, what is the real secret to losing weight?

Diet Secrets and the $270 Billion

The weight loss market comprises many components, including the extensive meal replacement market, bars, shakes and drinks. Hospitals provide an ever-growing assortment of weight loss surgical interventions, along with the vast number of slimming clubs. As an example, Weight Watchers alone in 2019 made a gross profit of $786 million. All of which is a lot….

Diet Secrets — Let’s lose Weight

So let us share with you the first of a few of the little gems that are often kept hidden away from the dieter. Firstly let us confirm that with over 15,000 clinical hours working with overweight clients, we feel qualified to be writing this post. So, would you be surprised to know that the number one attribute of a successful dieter was simply to keep a food diary? Not go to a gym, nor follow a calorie deprivation diet, or attend weekly meetings in the local church hall.

Diet Secrets — The Food Diary/Journal

Harvard Health reported on a study of 1,700 people trying to lose weight. As a result, it confirmed that those who kept a food diary achieved double the weight loss of those that didn’t. In fact, countless research studies at universities around the world have indicated similar results.

So what Are The Real Secrets to Losing Weight?

In the restaurant, eat whatever you want, but as soon as you have ordered, record it before you start to eat. If, half-way through your meal, you decide to eat half a bread roll, fine. Just place your knife and fork on the table, and list the bread roll. If you decide to have a little taste of your partner’s meal, then log it. This will take some effort but you will be surprised with the outcome.

If you want to take it to the next level, consider incorporating details of where you are eating. Also include with whom you are eating, and why… Just ask yourself: are you really hungry, or are you bored, sad, lonely, or just a little depressed…?

Diet Secrets — So Why and How Can This Work?

Psychologists know exactly why and how this works, but are continually baffled as to why more people interested in losing weight don’t use it. The main reason it works is down to a phenomenon called ‘Delayed Gratification’. It’s opposite is ‘Instant Gratification’. Many studies have shown that individuals that show a high level of Delayed Gratification in their lives are always high achievers, high earners, happy and healthy.

Using a Food Diary makes you delay….

If you are reading this thinking, no way…think again. Better still, commit to it for 30 days. Weigh yourself when you get up tomorrow morning and then start. Do it to the letter: write down everything that goes in your mouth, other than black coffee, water and herbal tea. List everything, every peanut, olive and breadcrumb. And importantly, it is vital that you list the items ahead of them going in your mouth.

So What Will Happen?

A number of things will happen. By stopping for a few minutes, and delaying the eating experience, you will, without knowing it start to reduce the amount of completely mindless food you eat. By questioning yourself and asking just why you are eating. For example are you bored, lonely, sad, or simply eating to fit in with someone else? It will immediately make you more aware of the triggers, and the mindless eating you are doing.

Diet Secrets

Our clients who took on the challenge of keeping a food diary reported that just the fact of having to physically get their diary out, sometimes in front of friends, or even worse in front of strangers, made them rethink if it was actually worth the effort. Some reported that when they reviewed the previous day’s list, they were horrified. Read details of the programmes here

Religiously keeping a food diary will prove to be an eye-opener. Diet Secrets. You will quickly identify triggers, the danger times and places, and possibly people too. You will find yourself questioning if you really are physically hungry. Finally, you may well find it such a chore that you decide not to have whatever the snack was. If you’re interested in delayed gratification you should Google the term, because you’ll find thousands of links to research studies.

Keeping A Food Diary — The Rules

Rule 1. Become Aware

Rule 2. List Everything and more….

Rule 3. Add as much additional information as possible

Rule 4. Never Skip a Day

Martin and Marion Shirran, the developers and joint Clinical Directors appeared on both the Good Morning America TV Show and the This Morning Breakfast Show.

Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

So, how do we start to lose weight in a healthy and permanent way?

There are so many approaches to weight loss. If you type “diet”, or “weight loss”, into Google, for example, you will have over a million references, in a heartbeat. We would be naive to say that the My Weigh Less course guarantees 100% success. We will not insult your intelligence!

No Diets, Just Psychology

The My Weigh Less treatment is psychology-focused, built around the experience of treating over a thousand clients, and amassing in excess of 15,000 hours of 1:1 clinical treatment time. The fully downloadable treatment has been the subject of extensive real person trials.

But, as with your considerations regarding any weight loss approach, do take a look at the verified case studies, and their before and after photos on the My Weigh Less Site. If you require additional comfort, which is fair enough, visit the Medical Endorsement page.

The Gold Standard in Non-Surgical Weight Loss

The My weigh Less treatment package consists of twelve, one-hour weight loss sessions, with Martin and Marion Shirran. Between them they have accumulated ten thousand hours of treatment time in the weight loss arena. In addition to the twelve sessions, clients receive a number of videos, animated presentations, visual aids and hypnosis sessions.

The My Weigh Less Course is new and refreshing, incorporating the latest, science-based, behavioural change techniques. Completely based on an approach that has changed the lives of over a thousand people. You too can experience the benefits, the changes in your life, and your thinking around food: maybe today…

Permanent Weight Loss is the Goal

If you want to lose weight Permanently, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You don’t need to spend any money right now. Just take ten minutes to read the pages of the My Weigh Less website. After all, you have nothing to lose. Martin and Marion Shirran’s GMB site contains additional information.

Registered Stakeholder in NICE — National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

Marion Shirran, is proud to be a registered Stakeholder in NICE — The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. In addition Marion is registered with the All Party Parliamentary Group on Obesity. She looks forward to being able to share her vast experience, gained from over 15,000 1:1 clinical hours working with overweight individuals for the benefit of a wider audience.


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