Can CBT Help With Weight Loss?

 So, can CBT help with weight loss? Most definitely! An upgraded version of CBT is the core therapy used at the Elite Clinic, where the GMB Permanent weight loss treatment was developed. Positioned as ‘Best in Class’ in psychological weight loss, the treatment has become something of a phenomenon both sides of the Atlantic.

At the clinic they uniquely use an underpinning technique. As a result, they incorporate the three main therapies, including NLP, and then combine the treatment with their unique tactile version of the normally passive CBT technique.

Their version is called Tactile Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Some of the top university professors in the world have endorsed it, and it is the subject of the bestselling book, ‘Pause Button Therapy’ An example of their use of CBT in weight loss involves using a sort of Neuro Plasticity to change a person’s thinking. So, when you hear someone ask: do you want extra fries with that, without thinking, you automatically hear: do you need extra fries with that?

‘Belief Always Controls Behaviour’.

The origins of CBT are based around a very simple understanding that it is never the event in our life that’s the problem; rather it is our belief about that event. Or, an alternative description is ‘Belief Always Controls Behaviour’. Initially, people find it hard to initially get their head around the statement. So, let me give you a very brief, real-life, documented example.

Can CBT Help in Weight Loss

Until 1954, athletes around the world were striving to see if it was possible for a person to run a mile in four minutes or less. The trials took place at leading universities and went on for years. People thought it was impossible. Then, on May 6th 1954, a guy called Roger Bannister ran a mile in three minutes, fifty-nine seconds. And so he set the new record. The news was then shared around the world by telegram.

Well, if you can do it, so can I

The actual circumstances of Banisters success defied the best minds in sport. You see the experts believed they knew the precise conditions required for it to happen. Firstly, it required perfect weather with zero wind. Secondly, it had to be on a track constructed of hard, dry clay. And lastly, the event should be in front of a huge, boisterous crowd, urging the runner on to his best-ever performance.

But Bannister did it on a cold bleak day, on a wet track, at a small meeting in Oxford, England, before just a small crowd. Impossible, they had thought, yet he did it. But, it was what happened in the weeks that followed that people have been talking about for decades. It seemed that almost as soon as the other athletes around the world heard that Bannister had done it, they all did it.

Over the years more than a thousand people have done what until 6th May 1954 was deemed impossible. What changed? Just their belief. That’s all.

What has that to do with losing weight?

In our weight loss treatment, CBT quickly developed into a major, and vital component of the treatment mix, underpinning everything we did. Sarah Hart, above, arrived at the clinic: her dream was to lose 140 lbs, half her body weight, but felt unsure that it was possible.

 Following her treatment, she of course, went on to almost effortlessly lose 140 pounds, half her body weight! Sarah has appeared on TV around the world to talk about her experience. You can read more about her here.

So, Can CBT help with Weight Loss?

Can CBT help with weight loss? Well, it works with our logical, conscious mind, and is an extremely effective approach, when wishing to change behaviours. When it comes to food, we can all be exposed to certain triggers. For example, seeing others eating, or maybe smelling food, or an advert on the TV. 

So, how logical is it, that, because you’ve spotted someone else eating, you have to eat something too, when, 5 minutes ago, you weren’t even thinking about food, or feeling hungry?

Pizza…Pizza Everywhere

Just looking at pizza, along with the aroma, is often enough to kill off the most determined dieting attempt. Of course, the whole purpose of adverts is to seduce you into buying a specific product, or choosing one particular brand over another. So consequently, they send out extremely powerful, even subliminal, messages, precisely to hook you in.

All food adverts are the same. UK listeners will no doubt be very familiar with the aesthetically attractive, and seductive, M&S food adverts that are regularly shown on UK TV, especially around Christmas. 

Feel free to Google them, if you haven’t seen any. I’m sure there are similar examples in many other countries too. The background music is well-known. Research has shown that just hearing the music can tempt many people to run to the fridge.

The No Diet, Diet

By utilising CBT as a major part of a weight loss regime, it is possible to quickly, and often effortlessly, introduce a range of changes to your normal food intake. CBT can literally take the strain.

The Top Questions Can CBT Help in Weight Loss

Martin and Marion Shirran, the developers and joint Clinical Directors appeared on both the Good Morning America and the This Morning Breakfast Show.

Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

So, how do we start to lose weight in a healthy and permanent way?

 There are so many approaches to weight loss. If you type “diet”, or “weight loss”, into Google, for example, you will have over a million references, in a heartbeat. We would be naive to say that the My Weigh Less course guarantees 100% success. We will not insult your intelligence!

No Diets, Just Psychology

The My Weigh Less treatment is psychology-focused, built around the experience of treating over a thousand clients, and amassing in excess of 15,000 hours of 1:1 clinical treatment time. The fully downloadable treatment has been the subject of extensive real person trials. 

But, as with your considerations regarding any weight loss approach, do take a look at the verified case studies, and their before and after photos on the My Weigh Less Site.

The Gold Standard in Non-Surgical Weight Loss

The My weigh Less treatment package consists of twelve one hour weight loss sessions, with Martin and Marion Shirran. Between them they have accumulated ten thousand hours of treatment time in the weight loss arena. In addition to the twelve sessions, clients receive a number of videos, animated presentations, visual aids and hypnosis sessions.

The My Weigh Less Course is new and refreshing, incorporating the latest, science-based, behavioural change techniques. Completely based on an approach that has changed the lives of over a thousand people.

Permanent Weight Loss is the Goal

If you want to lose weight permanently, and have looked into different diets, and possibly even surgery, then take a step back, before you decide which approach to adopt. You don’t need to spend any money right now. Just take ten minutes to read the pages of the After all, you have nothing to lose.


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