Flat Ribbons: A Guide to Using and Displaying Awards and Medals

Flat ribbons are one of the most prominent ways to display awards medals and honors in a need and organized manner. The ribbons are designed to lay flat against a backing creating a streamlined and professional look. You need to know that flat ribbons are commonly used in military law enforcement and different other organizations to highlight achievements without the bulkiness of full medals. What do you need to know about Flat ribbons? Flat ribbons are actually narrow strips of fabric that represent a specific medal or reward. Instead of wearing the complete medal you often wear a flat ribbon that symbolizes the honor that you have received. The ribbons are basically mounted on a backing material and can be arranged in rows or a uniform stop flat ribbons come in different colors and patterns with each color representing a different award or achievement. For example, military personnel often wear flat ribbons to denote the service campaigns or commendations. The design and order of th...