Magnetic Ribbon: A Modern Approach to Military Medal Mounting & Display

Military medals represent more than just a bunch of shiny awards. They tell the story of brave men and women who bravely served their country. Each medal has its own unique story that has been shaped by the hard work and dedication they put in. From the Purple Heart which symbolizes the wounds they suffered, to the Medal Of Honor that is the ultimate symbol of bravery, Military Medal Mounting represents what heroes are all about. They represent duty, honor, and a dedication to something bigger than themselves. For many, displaying these medals is a point of pride and a way to honor the legacy of those who have served. In recent years, there has been a modern innovation in Military Medal Mounting and display – the magnetic ribbon. Let’s explore this contemporary approach to showcasing military medals. The Traditional Way: Medal Mounting Bars Traditionally, military medals have been mounted on bars that are pinned to a uniform or a display board. While this method has been e...