Will Sleeping Help You Lose Weight?

In Short, Yes sleep helps lose weight , it will help you lose weight, Big Time. In 2015, a study funded by Diabetes UK and UK National Institute of Health Research concluded that losing out on just 30 minutes of sleep per night can cause people to experience weight gain. Additionally, a more shocking, and unexpected consequence was the potential metabolic changes, such as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance allows sugar to build up in the blood, instead of being absorbed by the cells. This can result in the person developing Prediabetes, or even Type 2 Diabetes eventually. After 12 months, for every 30 minutes of weekday sleep deficit, the risk of obesity increased by 17%, and the risk of insulin resistance increased by a staggering 39%. When you’re sleeping your whole body, including the brain, has a chance to generally rejuvenate itself. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation causes a spike in the stress hormone, cortisol, which in turn increases your appetite. Additionally, ...